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Our Services

We enable your people to focus on higher value business activities

Our Vision – a Unified Enterprise

We provide a suite of digital services and frameworks, powered by an Intelligent Automation platform, to create a next-generation target operating model.

Intelligent Automation delivers seamless enterprise-wide operations, pivoting around three core areas: customer, suppliers, and employee’s, enhancing their experience of end-to-end journeys across all areas of the business.


Why Aurora’s ‘VAU’ methodology successfully delivers on the journey to a Unified Enterprise



The foundation of a true digital transformation is the visualisation of new ways of working, we advocate a human-centric design thinking approach.

We work with our clients in a series of activity based, collaborative workshops to develop, design and define the new customer-centric future state.

This leads to the development of the digital automation blueprint mapped into the operating model which underpins the strategic direction and digital transformation journey for your organisation - leading ultimately to your future Unified Enterprise.




The digital automation blueprint aligns your leadership and their teams on the digital transformation programme, which will be supported by an approved business case.

The focus revolves around the customer experience, along with the interaction of employees and suppliers across the enterprise.

Intelligent Automation is a suite of selective digital technologies, including:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) 
  • Machine Learning (ML)
  • Smart Workflows (SW)
  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Collectively they deliver dramatic results that enhance control & compliance, effectiveness & efficiencies, profitability and growth whilst enhancing the customer journey experience.



Visualise your Unified Enterprise end state, a seamless operation where there are no barriers between departments, only a collection of optimised lean business processes to serve the customer.

This unified enterprise approach enables the integration of legacy services, with selective digital technologies and cloud services. Maximising your current technology investments while future-proofing your current architecture and platform services by these add-ons.

The ‘VAU’ methodology is the principal enabler of your digital automation blueprint and the basis of the transformation to a digitally enabled Unified Enterprise.

Digital Exploration

Identify your readiness.

Digital Innovation

Formulate your future.

Digital Transformation

Accelerate your outcomes.

Start your journey

At Aurora, we accelerate, we empower, we create and then we innovate using Intelligent Automation to address your toughest business process automation challenges.

Start your journey
Big Start, Scale Quickly Diagram

The Aurora ‘VAU’ – your journey to a Unified Enterprise

Business Impact and Outcomes

Also in this Section

Start Your Journey

Let's talk and explore how we can help Intelligent Automation boost your business.

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Aurora is a certified UK, European and Australian
partner of Catalytic services